5 under-the-radar ASX 200 shares smashing new highs today

These shares are bucking the market big time.

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It's looking like this Tuesday is turning out to be a bit of a rough one for the S&P/ASX 200 Index (ASX: XJO) and many ASX 200 shares. At the time of writing, the ASX 200 has lost 0.57% of its value and is down to around 8,375 points.

However, the falling tide isn't sinking all boats. In fact, we've seen no fewer than five ASX 200 shares smashing new 52-week highs today. These five shares could be described as 'under the radar' stocks. Here's the tea.

Five ASX 200 shares smashing new highs this Tuesday

First up, we have Computershare Ltd (ASX: CPU). This ASX 200 share registry company closed at $33.40 a share yesterday afternoon and opened at $33.53 this morning.

But at present, those shares have climbed 1.11% to $33.75. That's after the company hit a new 52-week (and all-time) high of $33.80 around midday today.

There hasn't been any fresh news out of Computershare this Tuesday. As such, today's new highs might just be a continuation of the strong momentum we have seen with this ASX 200 share since early November.

Next, we have appliance company Breville Group Ltd (ASX: BRG). This ASX 200 share also hit a new all-time high of $37.37 a share this afternoon after closing at $37.11 yesterday and opening at $37.12 this morning.

Again, there's not much news out of Breville itself today. As such, this also seems to be a continuation of the momentum we have seen with this ASX 200 share over the past month or so.

Gold stocks shoot the moon

Our next ASX 200 share hitting new highs today is gold miner Genesis Minerals Ltd (ASX: GMD). Genesis shares clocked a new 52-week high of $2.82 a share just after lunchtime this Tuesday.

This followed the company closing at $2.67 a share yesterday and opening at $2.75 this morning. At present, this stock is up a healthy 4.12% at $2.78.

Most ASX gold shares are recording healthy rises today due to a big jump in the gold price overnight. As we discussed this morning, recent geopolitical instability, particularly in the Middle East, and central bank purchases seem to be behind this increased demand for the precious metal.

It seems that Genesis has been caught up in this lucrative tailwind today.

The same can be said of its fellow ASX 200 gold shares, Gold Road Resources Ltd (ASX: GOR) and Regis Resources Ltd (ASX: RRL).

Both Gold Road and Regis have also hit new 52-week highs this session. Gold Road's new high watermark is $2.17 a share, while Regis's tops out at $2.86.

Gold Road shares are currently sitting on a 2.9% rise, while Regis has benefitted from a whopping 5% jump.

It seems that these ASX 200 gold shares are also raking in the optimism following gold's overnight surge.

Motley Fool contributor Sebastian Bowen has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia's parent company Motley Fool Holdings Inc. has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. This article contains general investment advice only (under AFSL 400691). Authorised by Scott Phillips.

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