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A little Asian girl is so excited by the bubbles coming out of her bubble machine.
International Stock News

Opinion: This Nvidia forecast all but confirms that the artificial intelligence (AI) bubble will burst sooner rather than later

Nvidia's gross margin guidance points to pricing pressures that may signal an end to the irrational exuberance surrounding artificial intelligence…

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busy trader on the phone in front of board depicting asx share price risers and fallers
International Stock News

3 ultra-popular stocks billionaires have been busy selling

Billionaire money managers weren't shy about pressing the sell button on these widely owned stocks during the third quarter.

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Sell buy and hold on a digital screen with a man pointing at the sell square.
International Stock News

One of the world's richest investors just sounded a big-time warning for Wall Street

One billionaire money manager believes more pain lies ahead for the stock market.

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A young woman looks at something on her laptop, wondering what will come next.
International Stock News

This Telltale bear market indicator is sounding a warning, once again

If you thought the bear market bottom was in, think again.

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A baby reaches into the bottom drawer of a chest of drawers.
International Stock News

This indicator has an incredibly successful track record of forecasting stock market bottoms

This metric has historically served as a spot-on measure of investor sentiment.

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a man sits at his computer screen scrolling with his fingers with a satisfied smile on his face as though he is very content with the news he is receiving.
International Stock News

3 Dow Jones stocks that could turn $400,000 into $1 million by 2028

The timeless Dow Jones Industrial Average has three amazing bargains capable of delivering triple-digit returns hiding in plain sight.

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many investing in stocks online
International Stock News

When will the bear market bottom out? This indicator may hold the answer

This completely under-the-radar indicator has historically represented a green light for investors to pounce.

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shadow bear with woman terrified and a falling share price
International Stock News

This bear market risk indicator suggests we could head a lot lower

Investors' appetite for risk -- or lack thereof -- can often signal a bear market bottom.

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A baby reaches into the bottom drawer of a chest of drawers.
International Stock News

Where will the bear market bottom? History offers a very clear clue

Two indicators with a successful history of calling bottoms provide a range of where the S&P 500 could eventually bounce.

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Woman on her laptop thinking to herself.
International Stock News

How far could the stock market fall? 2 indicators may hold the answer

These indicators suggest we're quite a ways from reaching a bottom.

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A child covering his eyes hiding from a toy bear representing a bear market for ASX shares
International Stock News

This telltale bear market signal for stocks has never been wrong

Every time this indicator has been hit, the stock market has shed between 20% and 89% of its value.

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Legendary share market investing expert and owner of Berkshire Hathaway Warren Buffett
International Stock News

10 reasons Warren Buffett is such a successful investor

The simplicity and transparency of the Oracle of Omaha's investing strategy has led to an average annual return of 20.1%…

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old fashioned certificate of share ownership
International Stock News

Alphabet and Amazon stock splits: 3 high-flying stocks that could split next

Two high-profile FAANG stocks splitting their shares may entice these companies to follow suit.

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A hand holds up a rotten apple in an orchard.
International Stock News

3 stocks that could be worth more than Apple by 2035

These high-growth, innovative companies could surpass the tech king over the next 14 years.

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A boy wearing a virtual reality headset opens his arms in wonder
International Stock News

3 ways to stake your claim to the $30 trillion Metaverse

The metaverse may be the biggest investing opportunity over the next 10 to 15 years.

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Man on computer working on security issues.
International Stock News

3 cryptocurrencies with clear-cut competitive advantages

Competitive edges and differentiation are imperative to stand out in the rapidly growing crypto space.

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bundles of US notes on top of each other
International Stock News

4 cryptocurrencies that turned $10,000 into $1 Million (or more) in 2021

A $10,000 investment in these supercharged digital currencies would have made some folks millionaires, or even billionaires!

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Shiba Inu dog lying on the floor.
International Stock News

3 cryptocurrencies that crushed Shiba Inu in November

As SHIB fell 29% in November, this digital currency trio gained between 87% and 332%.

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Vaccine vials sitting on top of a pile of US cash
International Stock News

The most popular coronavirus stock may lose half its value by 2023

This as-of-now unstoppable COVID-19 stock might be one of the worst investments going forward.

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International Stock News

Here we go again: Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple are skyrocketing

The "Big Three" of crypto have gained between 187% and 356% over the past eight months. Is this sustainable?

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Investor share chart indicating time to buy
International Stock News

3 FAANG stocks to buy right now

Despite their outperformance in 2020, these brand-name stocks remain bargains.

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old fashioned certificate of share ownership
International Stock News

4 things learned from Apple and Tesla stock splits

Few events have garnered more attention this year than Apple's and Tesla's respective 4-for-1 and 5-for-1 stock splits.

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