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Horse race winner
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Winners and losers this cup — and rates — day

The future is bright, even if the skies are sometimes overcast.

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comical investor reading documents and surrounded by calculators
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What to make of last night's budget

This one was… different.

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graphic depicting australian economic activity
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What should be in tonight's budget (but probably won't)

Treasurer, if you’re reading this, feel free to get in touch.

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man using laptop happy at rising share price
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Buffett was right… again.

We’re in a funny time, economically.

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Australian notes and coins surrounded by a calculator and the word super spelt out.
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Make this change… then leave Super alone!

It would be very simple, and objectively incredibly fair.

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A little boy surrounded by green grass and trees looks up at the sky, waiting for rain or sunshine.
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Don't miss the (investing) forest for the trees

Whether the future is better or worse than the past is unknowable.

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A woman sits at her computer with her hand to her mouth and a contemplative smile on her face as she reads about the performance of Allkem shares on her computer
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Four simple steps to great investing

It's worth asking yourself how many points out of four you’d give yourself on each company you own

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A man sits in deep thought with a pen held to his lips as he ponders his computer screen with a laptop open next to him on his desk in a home office environment.
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Don't be like our governments. Invest.

So many people are so fixated on trying to guess the very lowest price, or the very best time that…

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A young man in a blue suit sits on his desk cross-legged with his phone in his hand looking slightly crazed.
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Go home, ASX. You're drunk…

Days like these have only one rationale: emotion.

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A woman sits in a cafe wearing a polka dotted shirt and holding a latte in one hand while reading something on a laptop that is sitting on the table in front of her
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The pound, AGL, volatility, IKEA and Warren's wisdom

We’ll look back on September and October 2022 as an attractive time to buy some companies that rely on discretionary…

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A young woman sits with her hand to her chin staring off to the side thinking about her investments.
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The biggest risk in a volatile market?

Waiting for the coast to be clear could be very, very expensive.

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A businessman holds his hand to his wide-open yawning mouth as he closes his eyes and makes a funny face while he gives a wholehearted yawn.
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Why I was awake at 3.45am this morning…

Could it be worrying about stock market volatility keeping me up at night?

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a man in a shirt and tie holds his chin in thoughtful contemplation and looks skywards as if thinking about something while a graphic of a road with many ups and downs unfurls behind him.
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It's going to be bumpy… but worth it

Trying to avoid the losers can also rob you of the chance to bank meaningful winners.

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A businesswoman holding a briefcase rests her head against the glass wall of a city building, she's not having a good day.
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Rates up… and more to come. Here's the real tragedy

Australia's economic management has been a litany of mistakes but, believe it or not, higher interest rates are still better…

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a couple consider the advice from a man with documents laid out on a table and the man holding a tablet in his hand.
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'Sorry, you can't afford advice that's in your best interest'

Reports suggest a review is going to recommend that financial advisors no longer have to apply the ‘best interest’ test…

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A bald man in a suit puts his hands around a crystal ball as though predictin the future.
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The most useless thing a CEO can do…

The long-term damage done in pursuit of short-term objectives is frightening.

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Smiling man sits in front of a graph on computer while using his mobile phone.
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Tomorrow: What I'm thinking and what I'm about to buy…

Clear your diaries for 3pm AEST tomorrow.

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Two happy woman looking at a tablet.
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Are the stores themselves on sale?

The market – writ large – has simply changed its collective mind.

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CEO of a company talking to her team.
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An ASX CEO's three most important jobs

It seems like a simple question. Maybe you even have a simple answer for it.

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A young female investor with brown curly hair and wearing a yellow top and glasses sits at her desk using her calculator to work out how much her ASX dividend shares will pay this year
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A fairer way to grow — and cool — the economy?

We shouldn’t do things just because it’s the way we’ve always done them.

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a man raises his fists to the air in joyous celebration while learning some exciting good news via his computer screen in an office setting.
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The most wonderful day of the year (or close anyway)

I get a little more excited than most.

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A man sits in contemplation on his sofa looking at his phone as though he has just heard some serious or interesting news.
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Don't believe everything the CEO says

The CEO gilding the lily is often more persuasive than the person telling the unvarnished truth.

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A young man holds a small bottle of beer as he slumps sadly on one elbow in a comfortable chair with his head propped in his hand and staring into space with a dejected look on his face.
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The new normal? Kinda like the old normal…

If anything is unAustralian, it’s four beers costing more than a pineapple.

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a person's legs and an arm sticks out from underneath a large ball of scrunched paper.
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Why the RBA review will be a waste of time…

Waiting until inflation arrived, and was entrenched, before acting was a monumental mistake.

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man and woman analyse financial report and share price
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Want to pay less tax? Or make more money?

You should be careful that you don’t let emotions lead you into making a big mistake.

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A little boy surrounded by green grass and trees looks up at the sky, waiting for rain or sunshine.
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Our greatest national financial legacy?

Why it’s time for an Australian sovereign wealth fund – The Australia Fund.

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Motley Fool chief investment officer Scott Phillips
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Market crash: A message from our CIO

Have we seen the absolute peak of human capitalism? I don't think so, which is why I'm continuing to invest,…

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A child covering his eyes hiding from a toy bear representing a bear market for ASX shares
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Get ready for the bear market headlines!

We all think we’ll invest during a crash, but do we?

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A man sits in despair at his computer with his hands either side of his head, staring into the screen with a pained and anguished look on his face, in a home office setting.
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Investing is hard enough…

You don't get extra points for 'degree of difficulty'.

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a man weraing a suit sits nervously at his laptop computer biting into his clenched hand with nerves, and perhaps fear.
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Are you ready for GFC Mark II?

The regulator won't say it but I will: they're worried about a GFC.

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A man sits nervously at his computer with his mouth resting against his hands clasped in front of him as he stares at the screen of his computer on a home desk.
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Interest rates have mugged shares… for now

If some share prices are at panic levels, that opportunity isn’t going to be around for long.

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Kid with a brown paper bag on his head which has a sad face on it sits in front of an old style computer representing falling ASX 200 tech shares today.
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Sick of the ASX falls? Me too!

No, it’s not comfortable, but here's what I plan to do.

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Australian flag with a ballot box and someone putting a vote in.
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My hope for election day — and the next three years

The investor's guide to the Federal election.

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$16 trillion 'wiped off' share markets. Buffett doesn't care

Why is the world’s greatest investor buying when many are selling?

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Model house with coins and a piggy bank.
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The latest property band-aid

Another day, another housing non-solution. Why the proposed first home super scheme is a no-go.

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Kid with a brown paper bag on his head which has a sad face on it sits in front of an old style computer representing falling ASX 200 tech shares today.
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The stock market got you down?

We just have to keep our eyes on the horizon, and stay the course.

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Scared people on a rollercoaster holding on for dear life, indicating a plummeting share price
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Are you investing with the odds in your favour?

When the rollercoaster is speeding downhill, you may want to get off. But then you might miss the best part…

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An older man wearing glasses and a pink shirt sits back on his lounge with his hands behind his head and blowing air out of his cheeks.
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How to invest when interest rates go up

Play your game, not theirs. Keep your eyes fixed firmly on the long term.

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Inflation ahead written on a yellow sign.
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How do you solve a problem like inflation?

The offical inflation rate is 5.1% according to today’s release from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

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Lest We Forget

We will remember them.

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