Recent Motley Fool Take Stock News

Young boy with glasses in a suit sits at a chair and reads a newspaper.
Motley Fool Take Stock

Of rains and interest rates…

Hopefully our capital-F Foolish investing analogy is clear. 

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A senior investor wearing glasses sits at his desk and works on his ASX shares portfolio on his laptop.
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Are 15% of home borrowers really going to default?

Predictions – from anyone – should be taken with a large dose of salt.

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RBA influence on asx shares represented by yellow wall with reserve bank of australia sign on it
Motley Fool Take Stock

The RBA's job just got harder

You might be surprised that Phil Lowe doesn’t consult me on rates decisions.

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A man sits bolt upright watching something intently on his television.
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Bitcoin: The reality TV of the investing world?

Will someone pay more for Bitcoin at some point in the future? You’re welcome to speculate on that outcome, if…

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A worried woman looks at her phone and laptop, seeking ways to tighten her belt against inflation.
Motley Fool Take Stock

Another day, another bank in trouble

I'm calling for much more, and better, regulation for our nation’s and the world’s banks.

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Young ASX share investor excitedly throwing hands up in front of savings jar.
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So close, Premier. Let me fix it.

I really like this idea… with two exceptions.

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A couple sits on a sofa, each clutching their heads in horror and disbelief, while looking at a laptop screen.
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Understanding the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank

I will tell you what I’m doing as a result of this.

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A young woman sits with her hand to her chin staring off to the side thinking about her investments.
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Warren Buffett could have saved us from ourselves

A lesson in defending the indefensible, some good oil and a nod to the wisdom of one of the world's…

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man and woman discussing superannuation
Motley Fool Take Stock

Unscrambling the Superannuation mess

I’m going to quickly propose a better alternative.

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Woman on her laptop thinking to herself.
Motley Fool Take Stock

What would Warren Buffett do?

Warren Buffett's been very, very generous, for years, in sharing his expertise with anyone who cares to read or listen…

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Kid pouring out coins from the money jar.
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Investing lessons from a 10 year old

Will you read a better rationale for investing this week?

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Australian notes and coins surrounded by a calculator and the word super spelt out.
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A first-principles look at the super changes

Here’s my view on potential changes to Super.

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Two couples having fun racing electric dodgem cars around a track
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Where's the competition?

The best way for capitalism to create maximum value for society – and for shareholders – is when competition works…

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a woman wearing the black and yellow corporate colours of a leading bank gazes out the window in thought as she holds a tablet in her hands.
Motley Fool Take Stock

CBA's profit soars… and shares sink

The market doing what the market does.

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a man in a business suit holds his hand up to his mouth as though sharing a secret and gives a sly grin.
Motley Fool Take Stock

An open letter to Treasurer Jim Chalmers

Treasurer, I want to put something to you.

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A man holds his hands to the sides of his face and pulls it down in despair as he sits at the wheel of a car that is not moving, as though in a traffic jam.
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What a dirty car tells us about inflation

Now, where did I put that car detergent and chamois? 

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A young kid with dark glasses rocks out with a guitar.
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What country music taught me about investing

Get out into the regions. You’ll be glad you did.

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A woman faces away from the camera as she stand on the beach with an Australian flag around her shoulders and making a heart shape with her hands.
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Happy Australia Day!

We have, despite our challenges and shortcomings, a hell of a lot to be proud of, and thankful for.

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man and woman discussing superannuation
Motley Fool Take Stock

Four years, and still not back to normal

This week, we’ve seen more mooted changes to Superannuation.

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A man in a suit plays air guitar at his desk like a boss.
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You want revenge? Try 'revenge investing'!

Here’s our chance for a little revenge.

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a woman holds her hands up in delight as she sits in front of her lap
Motley Fool Take Stock

A year to remember (so far…)

In just 9 trading days, we’re already ahead of the average annual result.

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A couple sits in their lounge room with a large piggy bank on the coffee table. They smile while the male partner feeds some money into the slot while the female partner looks on with an iPad style device in her hands as though they are budgeting.
Motley Fool Take Stock

What is investing?

And what does it mean to be an investor?

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Woman on her laptop thinking to herself.
Motley Fool Take Stock

Redundancy, where art thou?

In preparing for the future, what's your Plan B?

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a group of people in shadow profile leap and hold their arms high in wonder of a fireworks display that fills the sky with light and colour and spectacular shapes.
Motley Fool Take Stock

Some year-end reflections

At the end of 2022, I’m feeling pretty positive.

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santa claus sits at a computer holding a card in his hand and looking at it with a hearth in the background next to a lit-up christmas tree.
Motley Fool Take Stock

Christmas wishes…

Sharing festive cheer and happy holiday wishes to all our Foolish readers... along with a 'special' rendition of a well-loved…

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A young woman wearing a beanie as the snow falls around her smiles and opens a Christmas present in a box looking excited and smiling to represent the special dividend for Grange Resources shareholders announced today
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What I'm asking Santa for this Christmas

Faced with the choice to be too optimistic or too pessimistic, I’ll take the former, every time.

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A young man sits at his desk with a laptop and documents with a gas heater visible behind him as though he is considering the information in front of him. about the BHP share price
Motley Fool Take Stock

New rules, a new book, and new forecasts

Predictions are interesting. But for investors, they’re probably best left alone.

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A man sits in deep thought with a pen held to his lips as he ponders his computer screen with a laptop open next to him on his desk in a home office environment.
Motley Fool Take Stock

Is the economic worm turning?

The ‘full steam ahead’ vibe of a couple of months ago now seems to be squarely in the rear vision…

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A man leans forward propped on his elbows as he holds his clasped hands to his mouth in a worried pose as he gazes at his computer screen in a home setting.
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What really cheeses me off

If you think this riles me up, you’re right.

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A woman wearing yellow smiles and drinks coffee while on laptop.
Motley Fool Take Stock

The pessimists were wrong. Again.

Remember those people who said, a month ago, that it was all doom and gloom?

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A businesswoman pulls her glasses down in shock to look at the bad news on her computer.
Motley Fool Take Stock

Crypto in Super? No way!

I’m sure there are some crypto fans and libertarians reading this.

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A man holds his hand under his chin as he concentrates on his laptop screen and reads about the ANZ share price
Motley Fool Take Stock

Who needs nuance?

We are not perfect. Nor is anyone else.

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Sad woman in a trolley symbolising falling share price.
Motley Fool Take Stock

Don't let Black Friday put you into the red!

Please resist the urge for that extra bit of ‘retail therapy’.

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A man doing a wheelie on his bicycle, indicating a share price rise for ASX companies
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Cycles are back…

Economies move in cycles.

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A middle-aged woman sits in contemplation over a tablet device considering information about ASX shares and deep in thought.
Motley Fool Take Stock

Do you know what happened on the ASX recently?

It falls to me, here, to do the anti-headlines.

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A Chinese investor sits in front of his laptop looking pensive and concerned about pandemic lockdowns which may impact ASX 200 iron ore share prices
Motley Fool Take Stock

Musk, Twitter and a Crypto Crash

It’s his company, and he’s going to run it his way.

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If even the RBA gets the forecast wrong…

This might be enough to ensure I’m never asked to serve on a public company board

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A man sits in contemplation on his sofa looking at his phone as though he has just heard some serious or interesting news.
Motley Fool Take Stock

Elon Musk's 'Alan Bond' moment?

‘New normals’ are almost always overdone.

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An elderly man finds out he's made a mistake.
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They've got to be ETFing kidding!

What the ETF is going on?

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A woman with the word 'tax' scribbled around her, plugs her ears and grimaces, indicating the impact of tax on share price
Motley Fool Take Stock

Who pays the tax if these companies don't?

It's remarkable how little tax you can pay, especially if you’re a multinational.

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