The Other Winners of the World Cup
Earlier this year, millions of Australians (ourselves included) set alarms and watched the world's biggest sporting event, the World Cup, play out. Bleary eyed with a beer or coffee in hand, we've watched the Socceroos do Australia proud. But did you know there was another Australian representative quietly succeeding as the world watched?
You've noticed what the World Cup brings – thrilling play, tense shootouts, joyous crowds and of course, the theatrics soccer players are known for. You may have also noticed that this tournament is bringing an unprecedentedlevel of sophistication with regards to data. Analytics is growing globally across all sporting leagues and this World Cup has proven no different – post-game shows analyse individual performance via positioning and distance, team tactics via the volume and direction of passing. All made possible by a rapidly emerging area of tech.
So, who is the Australian you should be keeping an eye out for at the World Cup now the Socceroos have gone home?
It's the start-up who have positioned themselves as the global leader in sports analytics.
This tech company has already gained first-mover advantage over the big guys in town such as Apple and Nike andis already associated with some of the players you have watched play into the second round of the World Cup and beyond.
The sheer size of the global sports market represents a huge growth opportunity for this company and when we say first-mover advantage, we are talking about already penetrating penetrate major global sports markets:
The list goes on…
This is coupled with another kicker – this Australian's proprietary technology represents unheralded advances in the complexity and detail of the data produced from wearable technology. Sporting clubs are ruthless at finding the next competitive advantage and this tech sits at a forefront. Motley Fool's resident tech expert has already upgraded the recommendation of this company's stock to a rating of simply "Buy More".
So how to take advantage now we've picked out the real winner from the World Cup?
You can take advantage TODAY. Due to World Cup fever, we are releasing our report on this company with all you need to know – for FREE.
Simply enter your email below for your free report. You'll spring out of bed the next time that World Cup alarm goes off.