Tech Expert Announces New #1 ASX Pick
By: Adam Surplice
Doctor Anirban Mahanti – The Motley Fool Australia's resident tech stock expert – has discovered one fast growing tech stock that he likes so much that he's officially recommending it as a "double down" opportunity.
I've worked for The Motley Fool for a number of years and can count on one hand the number of times one of our Investment Advisors has put a buy recommendation ON THE EXACT SAME STOCK for the second month in a row.
In other words, this is about as close to a STRONG BUY recommendation as you can get.
Although this is the first time Doc has recommended the same stock for two months in a row, he has issued "double down" opportunities in the past.
One medical technology stock is up 165% in just over a year… coming on top of the 270% gain from the time he first recommended the company as a buy.
Another cloud-based software stock is up 124% in a little over a year… coming on top of the 178% gain from the time he first recommended the medical technology company as a buy!
And this brand new "double down" pick looks poised for big gains, too.
For starters, this company is emerging as the "top dog" in an important digital industry, with a growing base of customers in Australia and around the world…
Which is why the company's most recent half year report saw revenue increase 60%, while profits grew an eye-watering 17 times.
That's the kind of growth you only ever see in the crucial EARLY STAGES of next-big-thing tech companies. And the biggest gains still look to be ahead.
As Doc Mahanti himself put it, "At scale, we would expect this business to be gushing cash flow."
Doc Mahanti has put together a painstakingly researched report that details this unique opportunity, including the name and ASX code of this little-known company that is utterly dominating its market.
So confident is Doc Mahanti in this company's future prospect that he has personally staked more than $150,000 of The Motley Fool Australia's own money on this very same ASX tech stock.
That's what we call having "skin in the game" and serves to underscore just how much confidence Doc Mahanti has in this company's future prospects.
But, you might want to move quickly.
This ASX tech stock's share price has already soared 125% so far in 2019. And if Doc Mahanti is anything close to being right about the opportunity ahead, this could be just the start of what could be a truly meteoric rise for its shares.
The exclusive report — naming the stock and its ASX code — is FREE to you when you sign up to The Motley Fool's Extreme Opportunities today.
Simply enter your email address below to access our secure sign-up page!
But please do hurry. Truly life changing opportunities like these can be very rare.