Just-released special report reveals our three "win-win" shares to buy before the next COVID lockdown…

Plus, three more to avoid at all costs.

(For a limited time, this eye-opening research report is being made available to investors free of charge. Read on for details on how to claim your very own complimentary copy.)

By: Bruce Jackson General Manager, Motley Fool Australia

Let's face it… whether we like it or not, the COVID-19 pandemic is far from over here in Australia.

What's more, if recent lockdowns everywhere from Sydney to Perth, Melbourne to Brisbane, and even Alice Springs are any indication, we could be feeling lingering effects from this once-in-a-century event for weeks… months… or possibly even years to come.

quote"Covid: How Delta exposed Australia's pandemic weaknesses" –BBC

quote"Why the Delta Variant Could End Australia's Pursuit of 'Covid Zero'" –The New York Times

"Empty travel brochures all too real as lockdowns cool holiday hotspots" –Australian Financial Review

Which is why, across my 25+ year career in the financial industry, I believe there has perhaps never been a more important time for serious investors to have a well-thought-out plan for how to best position their portfolios.

After all, the share market has been an absolutely gut-churning roller-coaster ride for investors like us since the COVID-19 pandemic first hit…

And with new — and potentially more disruptive — COVID-19 strains popping up all the time, and financial pundits and money managers scrambling to figure out what's next for stocks, investors are facing an almost unprecedented level of uncertainty right now.

In fact, as you've probably read, some experts claim the extended lock-downs in Sydney alone could cost business owners in the region as much as $3 BILLION dollars and cause many to have to close their doors for good…

"Sydney's lockdown could get even WORSE … as furious business owners slam the $3 billion restrictions which could see their doors shut forever." –Daily Mail

Meanwhile, others see the current situation as nothing more than a mere "speed bump" on the road to what they believe could wind up being an insanely profitable post-COVID recovery for investors.

"Why top fundies are looking past lockdowns." –Australian Financial Review

The scary truth is that we simply don't know for sure what's going to happen next — yet prudent investors need to be prepared for whatever the future holds.

All of which is why I recently tasked Kevin Gandiya — our Director of Research here at Motley Fool Australia — with putting together a list of top shares he believes could potentially deliver investors big returns over the long-term regardless of what happens over the short-term.

Of course, when it comes to investing there are never any guarantees, so I can't make any promises.

However, I can tell you that the shares Kevin and his team have handpicked for inclusion in this brand-new special research report are what we like to think of as "win-win" investment opportunities because:

  • These are companies that Kevin and his team believe are uniquely positioned to benefit from any further COVID-related lockdowns — either because of the transformative technologies, products, and services they have to offer… or because of the up-and-coming, "new-normal" niche industries they're leading the charge in… or some combination of both.

  • They're also companies that, in Kevin and his team's estimation, are incredibly well-positioned to benefit from much larger and more dramatic shifts in our overall economic make-up and the way we lead our day-to-day lives (the rise of e-commerce being one example).

For this reason, we've dubbed this just-released special report our, "Pandemic Uncertainty Playbook: Three Shares to Buy Before the Next COVID Lockdown — and Three to Avoid"

And because our mission here at The Motley Fool has always been to try to help independent, forward-thinking investors make the best financial decisions possible, for a limited time, we're making this report available absolutely free of charge.

All we ask in return is that you simply enter your e-mail address in the box below and let us know where you'd like us to send your complimentary copy.

The moment you do, you'll discover:

  1. An ultra-innovative global technology leader whose shares have already soared over 400% since being purchased for our Motley Fool Pro portfolio-service (which we're currently backing with over $3 million of our company's own money). Despite this meteoric rise, Kevin and his team believe this company could potentially shoot even higher as their signature offerings are now proving crucial to keeping money flowing through economies in the U.S., the U.K. and here at home — both during COVID lockdowns and post-pandemic recovery periods.

  2. A niche ecommerce powerhouse with a unique ability to adapt — and potentially even take advantage of — the "new normal" that the COVID-19 pandemic has ushered in. Although its shares have already more than doubled in value since it was first recommended by our flagship Motley Fool Stock Advisor service a little over a year ago, Kevin and his team are confident that its unique approach to business will continue to help it draw in new customers before, during, and after any COVID-related lockdowns — and potentially hand early investors heaps of profits in the process.

  3. An official "buy" recommendation and "best buy now" selection across multiple Motley Fool real-money-portfolio and share-picking services — including Kevin's very own Extreme Opportunities service. While this break-out subscription-based company is a very new addition to the Extreme Opportunities scorecard, Kevin and his team are incredibly intrigued by its rapid growth (with its Australian-based revenues alone leaping by an incredible 65% year-over-year in the first quarter of 2021) and its steady expansion across the globe (it now serves over 250,000 subscribers and counting across Australia, the U.S., and Europe). What's more, according to Kevin, "[this company] offers vast upside potential due to its huge and growing market opportunity, scalability and attractive unit economics."

Plus, you'll get the names and details on three popular "rebound" shares many pundits in the financial media are urging investors to buy, but that Kevin and his team believe should be avoided at all costs right now.

Again, getting your hands on all of this eye-opening information and investment research will cost you nothing more than the time it takes to download and read through this special report.

But please keep in mind, given how rapidly the COVID-19 situation is evolving — and the fact that our members gladly pay us hundreds or even thousands of dollars for access to research and stock picks like these — we can only make this free report available for a very limited time.

So, if you'd like to claim your very own copy while you still can, simply enter your e-mail address in the box below and let us know where to send it.

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Returns as of 12 February 2025. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. This article contains general investment advice only (under AFSL 400691). Authorised by Bruce Jackson. For more information about The Motley Fool see our Financial Services Guide. All returns cited are hypothetical and based on the percentage change between the stock price at the time of recommendation and the current or sell price (if the position has been closed) at the time of publication. Brokerage, taxes and any other associated costs are not taken into account. Please remember that investments can go up and down. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future returns. Performance figures are not intended to be a forecast and The Motley Fool does not guarantee the performance of, or returns on any investment. Any money back guarantee is strictly limited to the subscription price paid for the product.