Motley Fool: Meet the Brains of the Self-Driving Revolution


Humans, animals, and machines.

We all require a brain to function.

Our brain drives us forward.

And in the next evolution of machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI) is no different.

If lithium-ion batteries are the heart and soul of autonomous vehicles, AI is the literal brains of the operation.

And we believe we've uncovered the company at the forefront of supplying that "brain."

In fact, we get more excited about this company everyday… where it's currently a favourite of our top Motley Fool analysts from both Australia and the United States.

The Tale of the Tape

One big reason we think this is because of the potential for the company to dominate the tech space for years to come…

Its technology now spans just about every major innovation that's revolutionising the world right now.

I'm talking Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Self-Driving Cars, Robotics and Smart Factories, Intelligent Video Analytics, Drones and UAVs  even Deep Learning…

In fact, their CEO has gone on record,

"At no time in the history of our company have we been at the centre of such large markets. This can be attributed to the fact that we do one thing incredibly well…"

Even better, this company isn't touting some unproven start up technology.

This crucial technology is already banking enormous profits. 

And yet, that's only the beginning. 

Here's where things take an interesting and potentially profitable turn for you as an investor.

The 2022 tech melt down could mean massive profits for savvy long term investors…

Warren Buffett, the Oracle of Omaha, once offered this sage market advice: "Be greedy when others are fearful."

Our US resident math whizz, Matthew Frankel, sums it up perfectly:

"… Buffett invests in great businesses trading for less than their intrinsic values, and then he holds on to these investments for as long as they remain great businesses."

Even current king of the self-driving hill Elon Musk says:

"… it is generally better to own physical things like… stock in companies you think make good products, than dollars when inflation is high."

In times of high inflation, investors can historically turn to physical items like gold.

However, when people see this company's ground-breaking tech, and the huge untapped market still at their fingertips, the recent drop in share price, they may understand why we think this could be better.

So, even though most tech companies, along with this juggernaut, have taken a beating in the market of late…

We Foolish investors know gold can be found in patience, so this company's short-term loss could be our long-term gain.

Our analysts in the US have  called this company "the gold standard in AI" for good reason…

That's because they dominate over 90% of the supercomputer accelerator market and have consistently crushed the MLPerf Benchmarks, a series of trials designed to measure the performance of AI technology.

So, when a technology works so well and is regarded so highly, it stands to reason that it will be adopted by those companies working at the bleeding edge of innovation. 

Autonomous vehicles: The future of driving?

Big 4 firm EY is projecting EV sales to outpace internal combustion engine sales as soon as 2033, and many of these EVs will be AI-equipped.

And that's yet another reason why this company outshines the competition because its revolutionary tech is backward compatible with earlier-generation vehicles.

Meaning, as long as an older car has the hardware — cameras, sensors, etc. — it can "plug and play" with this bleeding-edge AI tech.

Potentially creating additional market opportunities in the vehicle aftermarket, which some analysts predict could grow from $407.51 billion in 2021 to $529.88 billion in 2028.

Make no mistake, EVs are a HUGE deal.

Which means self-driving vehicles are as well.

AI-Driven Barbarians at the Gate

Many of Tesla's top competitors are lining up for this company's next-gen AI technology, believing it will be the magic pill to help them finally unseat Tesla.

See, this stock has a long list of strategic partnerships (domestically and internationally) which includes a who's who of the auto companies vying to knock Tesla out of the top spot.

There are so many reasons why now could be the time to be looking very closely at this company…

Unfortunately, I can't go into more details here, because that valuable research is only available to Share Advisor members.

You see, the team here at Share Advisor has put together a special report, "3 Stocks For the AI Boom"

In it, our analysts reveal how this stock is behind the scenes of so much tech innovation … and how right now could be a potential opportunity to put your wealth building on autopilot. Not only that, but the report also reveals the names of two other recommendations that we think stand to potentially profit from the Artificial Intelligence boom.

If you're unfamiliar with our flagship investing service, Motley Fool Share Advisor, has been providing members with two recommendations every month for a decade. That's one ASX and one US stock pick hitting our members inboxes like clockwork. 

With our premier service, you'll get not only the full details of how to potentially cash in on the self-driving and AI gold rush, but you'll also get monthly, in-depth analysis and recommendations for our other top stocks.

Enter your email address below to discover more about our "3 Stocks For the AI Boom"…

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The Motley Fool Australia's parent company Motley Fool Holdings Inc. has positions in and has recommended Tesla. The Motley Fool Australia has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. This article contains general investment advice only (under AFSL 400691). Authorised by Scott Phillips. For more information about The Motley Fool see our Financial Services Guide. All returns cited are hypothetical and based on the percentage change between the stock price at the time of recommendation and the current or sell price (if the position has been closed) at the time of publication. Brokerage, taxes and any other associated costs are not taken into account. Please remember that investments can go up and down. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future returns. Performance figures are not intended to be a forecast and The Motley Fool does not guarantee the performance of, or returns on any investment. Any money back guarantee is strictly limited to the subscription price paid for the product.